Persistence and perseverance lead to success

I have played some excellent poker this month, truly excellent. Demonstrating patience, discipline, zero tilt, good hand selection, positional play, pre flop strategy and good hand reading generally and playing more aggressively on all streets. But in the end it doesn't matter as two losing sessions at the end of the month brought my profit margin down to around zero and demonstrates the delicate balance between winning and losing in Poker.  One thing I should for sure though, I won't give up!  In fact the experience I have gained from playing with a refreshed poker strategy will give me the confidence to push forward into future play.  Thank you for the opportunity 🙏

It was hands like these that cost me my profit margin, although it could be argued drawing to the nut flush wasn't that much of a mistake.

It was the following hand which went against my usual playing strategy by calling with A8 offsuit and playing too aggressively in a tight spot.  I flopped an up and down straight draw, but like many players in Pokerstars micro stakes games, my opponent quickly went all in for $16 with his bottom pair and flush draw.  I should have folded.

Aaaannnnd...the piece 'de resistance' KK vs AA

Just to give me the hammer blow I lost another buy in with KKs versus AAs.  I kind of knew he had it, but how is it possible to fold the cowboys heads up?  It isn't.  Swings and roundabouts.

As the great 'Arnold Schwarzenegger' said in Terminator: ....'I'll be back'....

Happy Halloween all! Maroonfish.

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I have been playing poker for about 15 years. I play online currently and I've played poker in casinos, card rooms, local games and with friends. I play NL hold'em tournaments and cash games and can also play Pot Limit Omaha, a game I also love.
Comments (3)

Hi))) Nice post!

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Ukraine Vetal Guru

cowboys are always hard to throw out

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Ukraine Vetal Guru

Love the second part

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