Poker Reflection. Your changes and your lifestyle?

Your changes

Every person changes day by day. These changes also take place slowly, imperceptibly and in degrees, as a tree grows. However, if a tree has no special development paths - water it and let the sun go, and it is blowing, then a person in this regard has a million paths. Each of our actions and interactions with other people leads to changes and rethinking ourselves, including in poker.

Let’s think about what has had the greatest impact on the development of your poker and psychological skills? Any poker sites or articles? Maybe some hobby gave you the opportunity to relieve stress, thereby improving your condition during gaming sessions?

Whatever it is, realizing the reason why positive changes have occurred in you, and you will be able to adhere to the same course. If you found traces of any negative changes in yourself over the past year you should think about what to avoid and how to develop?

How many times have everyone discussed the psychological side of poker everywhere, but a lot of players still do not really strive to follow the techniques and tips given in the materials on this topic. Have you followed them? If so, how would you rate their effectiveness? This will help you better understand yourself.

Your lifestyle

Are you satisfied with your life outside of poker? It is possible that you did not pay enough attention to your family, friends and relatives, or did not engage in your favorite hobby. In this case you need to understand if it was worth it. Many poker players in the pursuit of titles and money forget about social life or their non-poker hobbies, but sometimes it influences on earnings.

Hobbies and communication with other people brings joy, making you feel a little happier. A good mental state is important in poker, but if you don’t go outside and just sleep and eat between poker sessions, you can turn into a “fish” psychologically

Sometimes it happens that you stubbornly struggle with tilt and the manifestations of various psychological problems associated with poker, but nothing works. Perhaps you are one of those who just needs to relax, play sports or other favorite thing, and then poker problems will recede into the background.

Anyway, a reflection on your past lifetime will help you decide what you will do next month or year

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I am a professional poker player, I am playing nl100-200+ on Chine apps
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