Poker regulations in Germany

I swear! I knew it! In Germany the poker players were so free to try all the types of gamble!

Look at this message that i receive on most of al poker rooms:

The good thing is that our poker challenge is not affected:

This was the first poker politics movement after the "first" corona crisis! In this industry the country didn't won NOTHING when all the peoples were at home in Quarantine. But now, at the second wave, the regulations comes. Nice move! Let's see what's happening.

I am preety shure that the biggest poker rooms will be not affected.

Most of the poker rooms from IPoker Network were closed (temporary). Only TitanPoker is still available, i don't know now much. Today i withdrawed my bankroll from there. I still have 1006 Club Points ( i wait untill they will have a marchandise store to buy some things - after all, i played 2 months there daily) .

In GGNetwork , the Natural8 had already migrated on GGPoker. If you have an account on both, you must remain with one, the other one will be probably deleted ( earlier i send an email to the support, we'll see)

All France poker rooms are not anymore available for german players...

All Ucraine poker rooms are unchanged untill now

It will be probably a law that will not allow using cryptocurrencies thru'poker payments!

I am so curious what will be, but for shure will be not like it was :(

Prepaire for that , wherever you live....

GL at withdrawing money!

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Regular recreational player. Get rich or try bluffin'!
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Ukraine Vetal Guru

Let's hope better. I do not like when they restrict me.

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