Psycology or strategy?

When I came to poker, I didn’t immediately understand that it was necessary to work not only on the strategy of the game.

Like many others before, I thought that success depends only on the strategy of the game, like, if I know how to check and raise the flop, bet, bluff 3 banks well I will be a Pro, but it turned out to be far from this.

Of course, strategy is one of the key aspects, but if you do not pay attention to the development of other areas, you will not be able to earn a lot in poker.

Game practice is also divided into 3 sub-directions which you must give the necessary attention:

  • practice at the tables, directly our grind;
  • training out of the table which means specially allotted time and training plan;
  • and practice some additional gaming moments, plus setting up the software, choosing a room with the highest $ / h, setting up your surroundings in a convenient way so that nothing is distracting. 

And the last direction is Poker Psychology, this is a completely different branch of development, and here you can also distinguish 3 directions.

First is motivation and energy for poker.

The second is psychological settings, anti-tilt, control of your condition, which allows you to play in optimal condition.
And the last one is planning and organizing of the time.

For example, there are guys with middle stakes who play NL200-600 and earn 5-7 thousand dollars a month there, and at some point, they burn out and lost their desire to play. They start to roll 20-30 thousand hands and little by little they begin to roll and hammer or slide down the limits.

The same thing happens with younger players.

I know nl25-50 players and they don’t understand why they play, what is their goal ... Therefore, they play 25 thousand hands a month, they work 3 hours a week and that’s all. Although they already have a good strategy, they don’t tilt, but they don’t have the motivation to play more. This muscle needs to be pumped as well since the motivation to roll more is the same muscle that can be pumped.

Since no matter what strategic base you have, if you just don’t want to play every day, if you don’t have the energy and 8 hours every day to invest in poker, again, no game strategy will help you. Or if you fall off after 10 minutes of the game into the infernal tilt and you start to give away all the money to everyone and just forget everything that you have been taught, no strategy will help here. And it is important to realize this to correctly set goals for yourself in which direction You should now be pumped as a professional player. Therefore, without a properly pumped psychology of the game, it is not possible to become a poker professional who earns a lot. It’s a pity I didn’t understand this in the beginning, it would help me to save more than a dozen thousand dollars in downstrikes and when I was just lazy playing on the super sweet tables on nl200-600)).

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I am a professional poker player, I am playing nl100-200+ on Chine apps
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good way of thinking!

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