RunnerRunner do) Levity


I played a little yesterday. I had 2 go on business this morning) And even now I'm tired.

I think I'll play a little bit today, I slept 4 a while, but it wasn't as comfortable( In this state it will be pointless 2 play... In any case play a lot)

Yesterday was without much results, in a weak minus) I played some kind of knockout MTT as well as a freeroll Day 1 on 888.

There was a funny situation in the freeroll, at the very beginning when I regretted participating in it, I went all-in with 55 against three. I think I'll leave the MTT and go 2 bed, but no...

It was funny) I had 2 keep playing) But the desire 2 leave the MTT did not stop...) LoL

The game was not bad) I was dealt well, or I got into the hand without equity and won)

On time, the MTT was coming 2 an end and I already thought that I would pass on Day 2, but not everything is so simple and 4 my 55 at the beginning of the MTT, I was punished!)


I sat in this tournament almost 2 the very end, I wanted 2 double up and then BAM!!!(( Damn it this is bad and sad(( Why is this happening? I don't know...

Okay) There were a few more MTT, but they were not interesting, standard bad beats and nothing special...

This is probably the end, if me R lucky today, then tomorrow I will please U with good results)

So see U at the final table!)


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Repetition, mother of learning! Is that so ?!

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