RunnerRunner do) Day by day...

So, I keep playing this game) something turns out and something does not) complaining about it is not the best thing 2 do, but sometimes I want to close everything 4ever) yesterday was no exception...

I started the session quite well, but then I started making mistakes. The game has gone downhill =(

Yep! That's right) but in truth this is the only good hand in a knockout tournament) But then it became more and more difficult 4 me to win chips.

I'm starting 2 believe in some kind of mystique of the game) it seems now you will be dealt good cards, and then you will not get anything) and so all night...

Under all this sauce, you start 2 tilt and play too badly) U want 2 win all at once, but the tournament has just started. Maaan this is bullshit!(((

I thought I might be able 2 pick up the bounty... However even the aces were in the hand( damn... That's tilt!

It wasn't long before I went all in...

On the turn came T, and somewhere in the back of my mind I knew it) Isn't that strange? On these days, need 2 take a weekend, it would be better) But the desire 2 play and try 2 win more money does not give rest, probably this is ludomania((( NO! Its not a luda!

I think it's about the quality of the game and it's worth asking 4 help from stronger players. Otherwise, this will always continue.

Well, a mental coach wouldn't hurt))) And U know, these nervous breakdowns and tilts...

Okay) I need 2 do a lot of work on mistakes, before I win my first million) And we need 2 start now! It's not that easy...

A lot of work on errors... FCK!

Well, I will end on this sad note and try 2 start somewhere)

See U later!) with my results...


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