RunnerRunner do) Tired...


Yesterday, I played as usual poorly and little(( I'm in a tilt, such a quiet tilt...

I was playing MTT, waiting 4 a card and a bad beat! Bams-Bams-Bams!((( crazy sH*t...

And I feel like I'm being laughed at this moment(  maaaan, I really don't understand...

Of course I do not play well but this mood, how can I change it? I dont know... Maybe can U tell me?)

I'm so emotionally drained that I think, I should take a break, but I've already had a break, not so long ago) LoL

My bankroll is getting smaller and smaller every time ((( I need 2 win the tournament, otherwise I'm bankrupt. This cannot be allowed!

Okey) Today will be Day2 on 888, I must get into the prizes! Otherwise I'm not me. I had difficulties and they have 2 go through, no need 2 worry about me, I can handle it myself. I can do that!)

I would like 2 write more thoughts but I feel that it will not work(( excuse me and my English if that, I try as best I can.

I hope tomorrow everything will be different and much better) Just do that!)

See ya!)

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MrKaplin Blocked
Comments (4)
Каплин, так вот ты где капусту рубишь))
3 replies
MrKaplin Blocked

Learning a language, trying to make money))


MrKaplin Blocked

Thank U, I will try not 2 let you down)

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