RunnerRunner do... not 4 me)


I didn't play much poker yesterday( I had some business this afternoon and I was a little tired(((

But I don't have much energy left 2 play a couple of MTT on 888 and PokerStars) However the MTT were not easy) and I was out of them quickly) LoL

Wait though) in one I passed on Day2 on 888 it was freeroll) guaranteed $30000) yep!) but I had already participated in Day2 before and my game was not the best((( I didn't even get to the money...

I think I should be able 2 do it this time) 4 the first place give $3000!!! Maaaan!) I'll take a vacation) Beach and cold gin, mmmm) Nice!) dream...

Okay) laugh and enough) Hand! One hand on tournament on PokerStars... its crazy... I can't understand why this happened... look)

3,3%!!! on flop!((

Yes! I let him do it but... Guys, can someone tell me what's going on? Okay) my blog is named RunnerRunner but why is it about them and not about me!? damn...(( I got a tilt and lost this MTT...

So, today I will play on 888 and on PokerStars, maybe this time I will improve the result and get into the money) I won't be upset) Cards don't deal with sad people) U know it?)

Good) My English is improving every time I'm happy about it) See that? Soon I will start writing scientific articles on poker))) LoooooL

Okay) See soon!)

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