RunnerRunner do) Comeback!
I did it!) I hit the prizes, now on my third attempt) Perhaps this will be the beginning of my path 2 raising my bankroll and motivation) Yep!)
Day2 on 888 was a success, not as much as I wanted, but the little things were nice) We are all made up of little things) And only they together can show who we are and what we can really do) Philosophy...) heh)
Okay) Let's see what I had 2 face in the tournament) It didn't start so well, I went all-in with 99 and lost to QJo(( However after losing half of the stack, I got my coveted out on the river)))
Nice one!) Now I had 2 wait for the card 2 double again) And I waited 4 her) They were ladies)))
Ladies are not always easy, even in life)) So it happened at the table)) Look...
He raised and I went all-in) when I saw a 7 on the flop, I was confused, but the turn put a Q, and I'm back!)
Yuuuhooo!) Maaaan I told U, it's not just that!) yep)
I continued 2 play more carefully and got into the money!) And then began a long sitting out... The time lasted a very long time and the players did not decrease((( I thought it would be endless...
I had the choice of playing, or sitting and waiting 4 my stack 2 disappear under blinds) I chose 2 play...
So, I took 250+ place and got $ 9 for it) Not as much as I wanted, but it was enough 2 lift my mood) Now I will have 2 maintain it in the norm, so that again I do not lose everything in a row)
This time I wrote more than usual) still try) it is not so easy 2 write a blog in a non-native language, but it is good and very important) Learning is cool!) And also getting into money is even more pleasant)))
Good) So, I keep playing, I think I will win even more) No other way)
Thank U 4 reading this) And GL 2 everyone)
See a later)