RunnerRunner do) Seven again...


It was a long night) It was both funny and not very funny) There was a hope 2 take first place in some tournament 4 a trifle, but I probably hurried... I started the game pretty well!) I have been handed out many pocket aces, and in a row even)))

The most interesting thing is that I was paid 4 them) And almost no one folds) However, aces are not just given 2 me) But my opponents and they, in turn, also win me, but only in very funny situations)

4 example, here, I caught 2 pairs on the flop and decided 2 play check - all-in, so it happened, but river had his own opinion on this...

Yeah... Justice) Don't U think?) The same game happened later) Which I was very happy about...))) No!

In General, I played and looked at all this justice) Yes, perhaps thanks 2 mathematics and some combination of circumstances, they are right) but why exactly at this moment of the game!?) LoL

But in one MTT, I was lucky after all) I was quietly winning all the all-ins) On the quiet he took the chips) And even! closed gutshot!) Isn't that lucky?) At some point in the game in this MTT, I found myself with 2 blinds in all (((but I was able 2 resist the tilt and dramatically increased my stack, waiting 4 the right cards) Oh Yes! about good luck... See

Of course, such a game from me, does not deserve attention, but how else 2 win in the MTT?) Just 4 the sake of this game, U must be on the final table!)) What happened later) we played long enough at the last 2 tables, but I was able 2 get 2 the final table)

In the final, there were quite aggressive players, as well as players who were not going 2 play too loose) As a result I had 2 wait 4 the small stacks 2 leave the MTT) But as is always the case, small stacks began 2 double up against aggressive chipleaders...

Someone left the MTT, someone stayed and I got a hand with which I thought I could go all-in, but against an aggressive player) But what can I do? I pressed the all-in button...

It was so sad(((

Oh, well!) Next time I will be lucky!) In the end, I can reach the final tables in such massive MTT, and there is one in which the buy-in is normal, and the prize money is good)

So perhaps it is worth finishing, I again took seventh place) I love seventh places!)) It gives me a huge amount of motivation) I hope next time it will be the sixth...

Okay) Let's play and see) Do not be bored, do not be sad, and we will meet at the final table as always!)

All GL! 😎

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