RunRun) Bad Sunday...
Hey 😒
In fact, my mood is not very good, yesterday was not good in the game( And then they dealt out bad cards, while the opponents closed their gutshot or caught outs on the river or just nuts on the flop. I didn't think it was the best day 2 play) It is not 4 nothing that some regular players say about Sunday that it is the most negative day 4 a poker player) U can lose a lot of money this evening)
But it started out kind of good, and I even made knockouts in some MTT 😏 there were hopes 4 a deeprun:
However, after some time, still some forces of an unsuccessful day took over the situation, in order 2 throw me out of this MTT) and even pocket aces, could not help me win...
Yes, of course, I can't always win MTT, not every day) but why the hell should I play them every day and lose!? Can I at least get into the minimum prize money? How much I can suffer already this shit!(((
Also yesterday there were a lot of satellites 4 Sunday sale MTT. I participated in almost all of them! And everywhere left with nothing( this is terrible( Again some series of failures went... 😑
This is one of the satellites, the opponent decided 2 go all-in with any hand every time, and each time he won...
I don't want 2 post a lot of pictures, but believe me, there were enough of them yesterday) I even managed 2 go 2 play a cash game) on NL5 and lost $3 there 😩 well, it wasn't my day yesterday!
Well, in General, I did not lose so much, and there is still a chance 2 return everything) Perhaps I will succeed, it is only necessary 2 find the strength 2 do this, sometimes my mood can fall and I can not play normally, so I often tilt) well, not so 2 destroy everything around, but so 2 show my bad game) I don't know if I should take a day off from the game yet...
But if everything goes well, I will definitely meet U at the final table!) So, we read this, and it was all over) Now only forward!)
Bye) 👋

Yes ,yes, yes 😉