RunnerRunner do) Pre-final...
Hey 😎
I think I need 2 play more aggressively at the higher limits, because yesterday I sat 4 so long waiting 4 a good card, that in the end my stack became the shortest at the table) It happens that the game does not go well and I have 2 play with rather dubious cards, especially protecting the blinds, and if it is a knockout MTT, and even against a short stack, then this happens...
It was a short stack and there was a $5 bounty 4 it and I just called it, I don't know why I did it, but I hit the call button) At first I was a little upset, and then 4 a moment I thought about the 8...)) the opponent wrote in the chat table that this is a complete fraud)) LoL
As a result, I knocked out one player in this $22 MTT and left the game...
Before that I played a regular tournament with a $500 guarantee) Managed 2 get into the money) Game was boring and slow) I thought this MTT would never end) I had big plans 4 it, and I could have made it 2 the final, but we have our own party here!)))
It's funny, isn't it?) If I had won this pot, we would have met at the final table) But U see how it is)) Runner Runner can be not only 4 me) yep)
By the way Yes! I completely 4got about the knockout MTT for $11, there I also got into the money, and even made a few successful bounties) Calm such a knockout, I'm used 2 it already, sometimes I play it if I have time 4 it)
This time I still wanted 2 please U with the final table, but everything went wrong again, I waited too long 4 a good card, and again ran into the best card of the opponent) In the end, I fell a little short...
They gave me some money, wished me luck, and are waiting 4 me next time)
So later I decided 2 play heads up SNG, with a hyper-turbo structure, 4 five dollars) This would probably be the fastest poker game I've ever played) The player opposite me suggested that I go all-in with him right away) Why not?) I thought...
Then the desire 2 play and win further disappeared from me) Maybe I was tired, and it was late and I wanted 2 sleep) So I will try 2 get 2 the final table today, I'm kind of ready 2 play) yep!)
Today I have time 4 a knockout for $11 so if luck smiles on me, then as soon as possible I will please U with the results, as well as the results 4 this month) However there is not much interesting there) But we'll see)
Thank U 4 reading my posts and supporting me!) Good luck 2 everyone!)
See you later!)