RunRun) Last game on 888

It turns out that at 888 I finish my trip, 4 a while) I Feel that they don't want 2 let me win, and maybe I don't play enough there) But in any case, now my choice will be in favor of PokerStars 😏

Yesterday I made a test post on an interesting topic) Ty all who looked there and appreciated it) I Think this format of the post will not be the last) However, I worked on it 4 a while and doubted it... But what's done is done)

I will write about the last session on 888) Really hand out cards terribly 😐 I don't get into flops and opponents play too aggressively, and if I go all-in, they will definitely win the hand! Even if their equity is lower, much lower than mine...

A huge chipleader wins on the river) he has 5% on the turn, unbelievable... 😡

But it turned out funny, still my intuition does not fail me, there was little logic in my actions, and I thought, why not go all-in being in an early position, and it does not matter what hand I will have) Everything worked, but the randomizer has its own plans 4 this MTT)

Then there was a $ 16.50 knockout MTT, as usual, I was dealt bad cards, I had 2 play creatively) Well or play loose) As in this screenshot, here I was defending my big blind and successfully hit 2 pairs) the opponent went all-in on the flop, he had a short stack, so I decided 2 call it 😜

But as it happens 2 me, and regularly) I sat at the table 4 a long time, waiting 4 something, sad, and then left the MTT with this single knockout... And, as usual, the weaker hand won... 😡

However, I didn't have so many chips on the stack 2 feel comfortable with) I left the MTT, and anyway, I'll try another one...

Well, the other knockout MTT was a night for $7.50) it didn't Last long 4 me) I got a good hand, raised while on the small blind, and saw an all-in through one opponent) as a result, 3 of us went all-in) And damn it! I saw the f_cking runner runner again... 😡

Ouch... After that, I did not continue the game, and that was enough 4 me) Yes, of course, it happens and U can't always win) But my mood turned sour... Then I watched some funny video, and I kind of calmed down) I quickly move away from all the bad things that happen at the tables) So at least in this I was a little lucky)

Okay) Today I will not play on 888, but will play on PokerStars) I will try 2 qualify through satellites, 4 knockout MTT for $7.50 and $11, so if U wish me luck, it will be cool!) See you later! 😎

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MrKaplin Blocked
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Don't be sad! I'm sure you will be lucky today! ✌️😺

1 replies
MrKaplin Blocked

yep) ty)

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