RunRun) Play without distractions)

I'm still slow 😔 there are still some unfinished business that I have 2 finish in these couple of days so that nothing distracts me from the game) but usually everything turns into meaningless browsing of social networks and YouTube) as well as useless sitting on a chair all day) poker players, apparently in their old age, suffer from the same diseases as truck drivers) but today I would like 2 write about what distracts me during the game) maybe U will find yourself in these lines 😏

So, the standard set during the game is Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, some local social networks, a little forum, Skype, Discord, Twitter) Sometimes the game is hindered by music that does not fit into the grind, but she can be so cool))) U know, I probably mean some heavy hard core metal 😜 let's say I like this style, and now imagine how I can play poker 2 this music) lol

So I try 2 choose simple music, without any frills, transitions, strange vocals, and so on) endlessly scroll through the social media feed, the most useless activity, especially during the game, when I have 2 watch my opponents at the tables, make notes about them, but I end up putting likes on photos of people I don't know)) and also there r dating sites, tinder or something else) The best game with such cases is not shown 😑

Yes) I'm not very friendly with dating sites) but I still like them) hah) social networks, I respond to messages, I don't use the light at night, my keyboard doesn't have a backlight, so sometimes it's inconvenient 2 write text, it takes time, and I think it's bad form not 2 answer a person) so I try not 2 go there at all, while playing 😬 it's much easier 2 communicate on Skype, but I don't play very well at 6-9 tables and at the same time keep up a conversation) so, basically, the whole conversation turns into silence and short phrases, questions and answers)

Well, our infinitely favorite YouTube and Twitch?) I like 2 watch streamers who play poker, or other streamers who play other games, interesting videos, blogs about travel, sometimes I put them in a small screen in the corner of the monitor, or listen 2 the background. However, there r so interesting broadcasts that sometimes I forget about my game at all and listen 2 them and watch, very much distracted. It turns out that there is not enough time for all this outside of the game, and I have to sacrifice time just during the session, it is terrible, but very contagious 😒

I need to work on all this) I need to select information) Try 2 be less distracted, why can't I ban these cases for a while) heh) Of course, this is unlikely 2 happen) the main thing is to understand what is important to me, play a lot, play correctly and show the best game, or watch someone show the best game and do nothing for my own) Apparently, until I share these thoughts with U, it will remain in my head) Hopefully this will make me play better and more)

Okay) In general, there is something to work on) over the next month, I will limit myself 2 this much more than ever) otherwise, the result will not be, the result is important for me now) to find out whether I should stay in poker or leave it at last, turn it into a hobby card game) I hope U have read this writing) all the best to U 😎

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