RunRun) Time-management)

Today I would like 2 write about a sore point, namely about my daily routine - it is missing 😜 More precisely, it is, but in such a terrible form that I do not even wish the worst opponent) I go 2 bed when everyone wakes up) My peak activity starts when everyone falls asleep) In general, I live in a completely different time, which affects my condition. Yes, of course, this should be normal for a poker player, especially for a MTT player) I don't live on the west coast, in some kind of Mexico, where for a MTT player it's just paradise, I mean the time zone) It turns out that I have 2 get along with my time zone, and this is not so convenient 😐

I mentioned earlier in my post that I will have to play from 7pm to 7am) During this time period, the highest activity at the tables of my chosen limit, and in general at PokerStars, is the best time, otherwise if I start playing from morning 2 evening, then the tables will be played by guys from South America, and there will be 5 times less of them) Imagine that I will wait for MTSnG 90max minutes so 30, instead of evening minutes 10 😏 This is simply unacceptable, I will not complete the marathon like this, and I will also be emotionally depressed) In short I'll get tired of waiting) lol

So I will spend a whole month playing midnight games until morning, although I have been doing this for 4 years, but it's not much use) haha) I hope this marathon will change my attitude 2 poker, from the point of view of the game) that is, I hope that I will find in this motivation 2 play more and not be lazy) okay) As for sleep, my windows are tightly curtained, I'm not very comfortable in daylight, I'm probably already used 2 it, in the morning I fall asleep normally, I react strongly 2 noises from the street, so I close the windows tightly, I need air conditioning) haha) headaches happen when I wake up, probably, because of the stagnant air while I sleep 😑

So, my dream will take somewhere from 8am to 3pm, after which I will have time 2 make a post on the forum, and have time to have breakfast) hah) Breakfast in the evening, funny) Speaking of food, many professional poker players advise U to take the right approach 2 food intake, and 2 what U eat, someone even advises U to contact a nutritionist))) It's fun, with my bankroll at the start of the marathon, and in general, I will be my own nutritionist) I mean, what me put on my plate, I eat it) Sad, I would like better, just need 2 play more, and win more) so easy game dude 😎

God, what I am fckn writing 😒 I am absolutely not ready for anything, I will have 2 understand myself for a long time. But on the other hand, I have nothing 2 lose, except time) Time they say - money, gold) What if I'm a buddhist and believe in life after death?) So for me, time is like a circle) By the way, about all these meditations, also advise 2 find time in a busy game schedule, but I'm afraid I will only have time 2 eat and sleep) it would also be worth doing physical education, at least some primitive exercises) I need 2 think about it)

Well) I still haven't figured out my daily routine, so I think I'm done here 😜 No, I certainly understand approximately what 2 do and how 2 be, I just made a post about my thoughts on this, so I'm clearing up the rubble in my brain) Everything should be in its place) Ty if U read this scribble 2 the end) Each time, I hope I get better 😉

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