Slang of Texas Hold'em. Part 5.
Hi, Guys!
AK is one of the most controversial hands with several interesting nicknames. Let's look at them.
1. Anna Kurnikova
I already considered this nickname when I told you about QQ.
I'll just quote that post:
Anna Kournikova is a Russian tennis player. Actually, "Anna Kournikova" is a nickname for two hands. AK has this nickname, too. Why? QQ is very pretty but seldom win.
If we look at Anna's career, we will see that she has achieved good results in doubles: Women(QQ) and Mixed(AK). But she has not achieved results in single.
AK is also short for Anna Kournikova.
2. Big Slick
You can easily lose a lot with this hand so this hand is slippery.
AK seems a great strong hand and you may be willing to bet a lot with this hand. But if you don't hit the flop, the entire strength of that hand will decrease dramatically. As a result, you risk giving away a lot of chips if your opponent gets a combination.
Therefore this hand is called Big Slick.
3. Kalashnikov
AK-47 is the name of a machine gun designed by Russian constructor Mikhail Kalashnikov. AK-47 is also called Kalashnikov gun.
4. Korean Airlines
The name is given by analogy with the name of AA American Airlines.
5. Big Ugly
This nickname imitates Big Slick. If the hand is offsuit than it's called "Ugly".
6. Mike Haven (AdKd)
Mike played two pre-flops all-in in a row with these cards to win the final table, coming from behind.
7. Walking Back to Houston
I think It's a very interesting nickname.
Walking Back to Houston is the name of the song.
There are two explanations of this nickname. First, when some players play this hand very strong they often left with no getway money. Second, the old time poker players would play this hand so well that they'd leave their opponents walking back to Houston.