Slang of TexasHold'em. Part 25 - K9

Hi, Guys!

Today's K9 hand has 8 nicknames derived from a single explanation.

1. Canine

"K"-nine 7 nicknames that originated from Canine.

2. Bow-wow

3. Dogs

4. Fido

5. Mongrel (offsuit)

6. Mutt (offsuit)

7. Pedigree (suited)

8. Michael Vick

Michael Vick is the former NFL QB's that was convicted of dog fighting.

9. Rin Tin Tin

From Rin Tin Tin K9 cop.

10. The Doctor Who

K-9, the Robotic Dog from the British Television Series Doctor Who

11. Sawmill

Byron 'Cowboy' Wolford says:

Milton Butts and I were playing poker in Bryan, Texas, where they had a good game going on the weekends. We'd been playing for a couple of days when a hand came up in which I had a K-9. I made a pretty good hand with it, but lost the pot and went broke. As I was driving back home to Houston with Milton, feeling kind of disgusted about going broke with that K-9, we passed by a sawmill where a man was sawing logs in the lumberyard. "As hard as that guy works for his money, I'll bet he would never go broke with a K-9", I told Milton. And that's how K-9 got named "Sawmill." Some of those names are still going around – Doyle Brunson mentioned the sawmill hand in his book, Super/System

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