Software to work on the game, do I need a GTO?
Now a lot of software has appeared to work on the game and it is not clear what to choose for a poker player who plays micro limits. Perhaps this note will be useful to someone since I have been working with various software for a long time
IMHO, working with software is a great useful skill. This is one of those things that can greatly boost the skill provided for daily use.
Once upon a time, there was no cool GTO software, although everyone dreamed about it:” If only there was a program that would tell how to optimally play one or another spot ...)))”
Now a heap of programs have appeared, and which one to choose is not clear, and most importantly, is this necessary?
Pokersnowie, GTO +, Pio solver, Simple post-flop. And which one to choose?
Personally, my opinion is that solvers of the type of Pio and simple are difficult, but they give more accurate results. GTO + is good because it is simpler and can be used in conjunction with EV CardRunners to consider not only the GTO model but also how to deviate towards the exploit.
Another complex nuance is that solvers are expensive (several years ago they generally cost $ 500 and their functionality was much less than now). Now, of course, cheaper. Is the price warranted for low limits? IMHO, no, for playing at high limits-yes. Because there are a lot of decisions made on the basis of the GTO until it is not clear what kind of faces the opponent has.
But another very interesting solver is PokerSnowie. Firstly, it costs cheaply in relation to other solvers, and secondly, you can quickly see ready-made solutions and ranges. Yes, it is inferior to the Simple or Pio, but we are not robots, we don’t need such accuracy. The main thing for us to understand the border of the optimal game.
Therefore, whoever hasn’t tried, try PokerSnowie, Thank God, there is a trial there. Have a nice day and successful work on the game.