Useful poker tips for novice players

Poker tips

People often hesitate before starting to play poker. The reason is simple: poker is a volumetric game with certain rules and nuances, and not everyone can understand them in one night. Therefore, newbies think that there are many professionals around and that they're bound to lose all their money to some poker shark. But, this is not the case.

Since the first steps in learning the poker game can become quite muddling, we have compiled 6 poker tips that will help new players to comfortably join the game and experience all its benefits.

1. Decide on the game format

There are two main formats of poker: cash games for real money and tournament poker. We suggest you try playing both formats and choose the one that suits you best, but you should not rush between the game formats for a long time. Try to choose the field as quickly as possible and develop in that direction. If you play all games at once, then you risk learning nothing. 

Cash game and tournament poker require a different approach. Here are very useful cash game tips: if you do not have a lot of time, then it is better to play cash, as you can take profit and leave the table at any point. In a tournament, you have to play to the last chip in your stack.

If you decide to focus on cash games, it is best to start playing tables with regular speed, and then proceed to the fast-paced games. Those who are more interested in tournament poker should start with SnG tournaments, and then segue to MTTs. Speaking about tips for poker tournaments, we advise you to start with free-to-play tournaments referred to as freerolls. Thus, you can boost your bankroll without risking your money. 

Experienced poker players’ decision making is refined to automatism. Therefore, they are able to switch between a few tables and make decisions in the shortest time possible. If you’ve started playing poker recently, then it is better not to get carried away with that. Play one table at a time, but give it all your attention. This will help you master the game faster.

2. Understand the importance of table positions

Many poker newbies underestimate the impact of position on their results, which is actually wrong. It is possible to increase your chances of successfully playing a hand and make money by correctly estimating a seat at the poker table.

Table positions

Table positions in Texas Hold'em, both online and offline, are determined by seating relative to the dealer. The most disadvantageous positions are considered to be small and big blinds, as they are first to act after the first round of betting. As for the most advantageous positions, these are seats taken by players on the button (the dealer) and the one sitting to the right of the dealer (it’s called cut-off). They will be the last to make decisions.

There are a few reasons to play in position, that is when you are the last to act:

  • there is an opportunity to steal blinds;
  • you can play a wider range of starting hands preflop;
  • you get more information than the opponents who act before you, as they are  forced to make decisions blindly;
  • you have more chances to take the pot on the flop;
  • it gives you the opportunity to control the final size of the pot.

Playing correctly in position can bring you good money. Therefore, if you want to be a winning player, then play as many big pots as possible seating on the button and cut-off. Play more cautiously when being out of position. 

Read also: 9 tips to start playing poker

3. Read your opponents

Here are other texas holdem tips and tricks to success in poker: learn to read your opponents. There are several indirect signs that will allow you to determine your opponent's play style and tendencies:

  • The speed of decision-making. An inexperienced opponent can be determined by either long deliberation or overly quick decisions.
  • Bet sizing. Inexperienced players often bet using improper sizing, which doesn't fit the situation. They tend to make too small value bets and too big bluffs. Also, some players make bets of a certain size with specific types of hands. This can work to your advantage telling when your opponent is bluffing and when he/she has a winning combination
  • Chat messages. In online poker, pay attention to messages in the chat, as they can show whether or not your opponent is well versed in poker. You can also understand whether he/she is on tilt from his/her writing.

Observe other players, make notes, and use this information in your play. It will help you improve your game, win money, and increase your bankroll.

4. Play according to your bankroll

There is nothing more frustrating about the poker game than having lost all the money, earmarked for playing. Being a novice player, you should follow the basics of bankroll management. Strictly control the amount of money you can afford to spend on the game. While you are gaining experience, being careful will be the best help so that poker losses do not become a problem for your budget. Also, you shouldn't expect that you will learn to play poker if you quickly spend all the available money during one session.

Poker bankroll

Here are best poker tips for bankroll management. They will allow newbies to properly manage their capital in the early stages of their career:

  • determine the goal, soberly assessing your current game level;
  • do not play for more than what you can afford to lose;
  • stay at the limits where you will feel comfortable with your current bankroll;
  • do not move up the limits too fast;
  • do not start your poker journey playing high-stakes games.

Even professional poker players experience ups and downs. By managing your bankroll properly, you will easily outlast the downswing and start making money in the long run. This is 

5. Search for poker rooms for beginners

It's time to note some tips for online poker. You can search for reviews on the poker room that you are interested in and check what field of players it has. If the reviews state that there are a lot of «fish» in that poker room, then this is exactly the room you need. «Fish» are inexperienced players who have not yet figured out all the poker nuances. On our website, there are detailed reviews on poker rooms with the option to filter rooms according to your preferences (e.g. for beginners, providing no deposit bonus, offering fast poker, etc).

Besides, poker tables are usually divided into those played by beginners, intermediate players, and professionals. Such tables differ in terms of stakes/ buy-ins. Professional players will not waste their time at micro stakes tables where they can win a maximum of a few dollars. 

In turn, when joining high-stakes games, expect that strong players will quickly knock you out of the table, depriving you of all your bankroll, in a matter of minutes. This does not mean that expensive cash games or prestigious tournaments will never be available to you. But, everything should happen gradually, along with improving your skills and building your bankroll. These are excellent online poker tips to remember.

6. Don't play if you are angry, upset or tired

Playing on emotions, you will not be able to show what you are capable of. If you have lost a large amount of money or feel irritated by the game, then it’s better to stop playing and rest until you feel confident again. Otherwise, your opponents may take advantage of it.

Also, avoid playing poker when you are clearly not in your best state of mind. For example, when you are tired from work, or when you slept poorly, as you have to be concentrated on the game. Instead, use this time to improve your game away from the tables.

Do not ignore these texas holdem tips for beginners, as they will help you improve your game and take it to the next level. Good luck in mastering poker!

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