What's been on my mind lately.

Good day Cardmates,

It has been a minute, since my last blog, mainly because I have been grinding a lot and had a day off, which I promised myself not to get anywhere poker.

I was surprised to get an 11$ ticket from Pokerstars today for any SCOOP event. This seems to be nutcracking from them, probably the best they could make. It was said, that they give everyone one, not sure if the value if same for every player or it differes somehow.

Planning to play 6+ event tommorow. I was looking at this tourney, but since my bankroll is little less, than 200$ it was kind of expensive for me, plus the game itself is way more about luck, than hold'em. Thank you Pokerstars. 1st time I mean it.

I used my 22$ ticket, that I got from OP Poker twtch, I wrote a post about it here, in case you're interested.

Was unluck a few times, especially this hand:

It was a 3bet pot, where the guy donked the floped and I shoved it, as I said unlucky. Let's just forget about it and poker for now.

I got this news from my what's app chat, where a lot of foregners that come to my country chill and share their life, since poker players travel a lot and use couchsurfing, I though it might be usefull to share here too.

Well the news is, that CS is not free any more! Yeah, even for me it was a bit shocking, I never used it service for myself and hopefully never will. Not that I don't like the idea, I do, I even tried to host people, but I hope I will have the opportunity to rent a room for myself everytime I go anywhere. Now you have to pay monthly, it's kinda cheap, but still, I think there were other ways to do it:

Price may be different, depending of the country you're in.

Best of luck,



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Generous pokerstars this time! u deserve it)

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