When things do not go your way!
Hello Cardmates,
I have been playing cash NL100 past three days and I can't find the rythm of the game. I keep loosing some big pots at the wierdest spots, I have ever seen in my poker career. The game is very different in the room I am plyaing from major poker sites. There are only 10 players, that play such limits and we all know eachother. This makes it simple at one hand, but players just so loose, they keep doing some crazy stuff, like donk reraise with draw two streets or push all in on the turn.
I changed my strategy from tight agressive to even more tight and agressive, but it's either I have been cooled down too much, or it's just the way it's supposed to be playing cash with such loose opponents.
I managed to win back 700 euros, that I was down first day, but it's mainly spots, that I had to get paid, because few players just kept throwing chips in the middle.
So what do we do when things don't go our way? Do we play on or take a brake?
Best regards,

I prefer to take a break from poker when things dont go my way for a long time. and then come back with fresh mind!
i take a break, but i am not shure thats good)