2nd game. 1st troubles.

Good day guys! Yesterday I didn't play much 😒 Probably because I didn't get enough sleep and woke up early, and I was sleepy, and playing at 9 tables in this state is not very comfortable, so I started a loose game at the end of the session 😐 It is very important to be in good shape during the game, and I think that coffee alone is not enough) I need 2 prepare myself for this, and develop moral and strong-willed qualities, otherwise I will lose motivation 2 grind...

And of course, the game itself wasn't going very well. I often lost in coin flips, and also kept returning 2 my cold-call strategy) lol) if U can call it that 😜 Again, too wide defend blinds, and then the game 2 go showdown. There were a lot of pre-final tables, and I often left the game on the bubble...

Okay) Let's see my results)

I will write, only 2157 hands and 39 games were played 😐 I started 2 fall behind the required number of hands, I need 2 catch up! The profit showed a large loss of 14 buy-ins, this is too much. Don't think that I started 2 give up) I really didn't feel very well yesterday. Today, yep, I got enough sleep, but tomorrow I have 2 go on business and it will take me a lot of time, so the day after tomorrow I will have 2 play a very long session, I think about 12+ hours, and show the number of hands played more than 5K 💪

So, I will not be upset and prepare for this thoroughly!) In the meantime, I'll show U a collage of yesterday's runner-runner that led me 2 the end of the game and a small number of hands played) enjoy watching 😎

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