RunRun) Last preparation)

So, today is the last day of the month) Need 2 sum up) but this month I did not have 😐 Yes, something like that) the only thing I'm in the mood to play a lot in october) will be actively blogging, maybe I will achieve some results, although again, special profit on MTSnG for $0.25 no) but still) for me the main thing will be 2 complete a marathon, and that is to play 100k hands! for me it is very much important)Until today, I still haven't done much, it's very sad and insulting((( I'm so sad and lazy... 😒 Perhaps it seems to me that if I do one thing to the end, then this way I will gradually get rid of the inconvenience than I will do everything at once) I'm not sure yet) maybe this is just an attempt 2 escape from myself and from these difficulties) I probably need a psychologist, not an air conditioner) lol) Well, that's my problems after all...In fact, I am not discouraged, and I laugh a little at myself and the difficulties I am experiencing) Most likely, it makes me move and go forward, my brain constantly thinks about it) I only need actions! 😎 This is exactly what I should be doing next month, otherwise I'll turn into some poker philosopher) heh)Okay) I can probably write about this for a long time, but it's time 2 start grind) So I will not stretch this post and I finish it, wish me good luck, and I will wish U!) I hope nothing changes in these couple of days and we will see each other again) All hits in the money! 😎P.S. I like Bob Ross, and what he did, he was a good painter and a good person) I watch his videos on YouTube sometimes)

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Ukraine Vetal Guru

are you tired?

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