3rd game that didn't happen...

How do U feel? Yesterday I was not normal 😰 I needed a game that would last longer than usual, but I did not have the strength, in the evening I had a bad headache, the weather here changes dramatically, and my body reacts strongly 2 this( apparently, my blood pressure jumped( I'm still so young, and I already have such sores, it's sad 😐

Of course, it was not possible 2 grind in this state. I opened 6 tables to start with, but nothing has changed, especially when I get nervous I go to smoke, and this also worsens my illness( I need 2 somehow stop doing this, stop smoking there, or drink alcohol... In general, even the game itself showed me that I am in a bad state to play, for 160+ hands, I managed to leave the game immediately from 6 tables, the fact that my orange line EV, flew up somewhere) This can only say one thing - do not play today! 😒

Today I worked in the fresh air quite a lot, I can write that I'm fine, but before writing this post, I was very tired. And I think that I now need some time to sleep, maybe 3-4 hours will be enough for me, and I will have time 2 play this night, there r too many hands not played, I have to stick 2 the marathon plan. Otherwise I'll look like a loser) By a good score, I should now play more than 7K hands in the next 12+ hours))) OMG, this is awful, I'm a lazy pig...😒

I've been preparing for this marathon for so long, I guess I was kidding myself a little) And now, these difficulties seem like an abyss 2 me) although, in fact, this is only the beginning of the marathon and I will be able 2 tune in and get used to it) The main thing is not 2 give up ahead of time!) Let's assume that yesterday I had a day off from the game) And I fell behind the plan quite a bit 😜 There is still time 2 catch up!)

Well, I'll finish writing this post) there is less and less time 2 sleep) I wish U good luck this sunday evening, and U can wish me the strength 2 play so many hands 😎 Bye!

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