А walk to the park and a $ 12 tournament.
Hi, this morning didn't start very well, played a $ 12 tournament and flew out on the bubble with pocket KKs, preflop all-in, opponent has 22 and he catches 2 on the flop. It's a shame, in this tournament I had pocket kings 3 times and they could not resist 2 times.
Played very well, but the result is terrible.
We all know that after a bad session, the most correct decision is to rest and recharge with positive emotions, which I did, I went for a walk to the park and I want to charge with positive emotions for a good game in the evening.
You can look at three things endlessly, is how you catch your outs, fire and water.
Enjoy the beautiful fountains.
Have a nice day and good game everyone.

Fountains - beautiful ;)
we have many parks and many fountains
the photo shows a new fountain with a diameter of 36 meters
36 meters - you have a big fountain in your city. You are lucky!
the largest in our country
KK very no good)
oh this bubble
draw flush on the flop