About prioritization and poker development
Reading blogs, including micro limits player’s blog, I notice that many of them miss important things in their poker education and approach.
Remember I said about prioritizing opponents
So you need to do the same thing with work on the game. First, highlight all the most frequently occurring situations that affect profit (for this you can use any analysis tool of the game), then review them, and after that spend time on rare hands.
This is crucial if you want to be a consistently winning regular.
You need a clear system for pumping yourself up, to understand what skills are still technically (strategically) / mentally weak and it is desirable to conduct a mind map (intelligence map). I am using mindjet + oneNote
It is important to record your progress, and indeed be sure to write down everything you are working on. Then it doesn’t disappear and is not lost in the heap of incoming information.
When you working through a poker calculator, be sure to look solution for yourself on this:
1)How will you systematize this information
2) How will you memorize
3) How will you use the information (usually you need to set a task before the session that I will implement now)
My notes looked something like this)))
Basically, now you can use the chart helped (program for showing opening ranges) from the second computer, but not all poker rooms approve it (for example PS).
As an aside, it’s really sad that the quarantine was extended to May 29, which means you can’t go to the beaches ... Yes, and who knows, maybe there will be quarantine until the fall ... so today I found a new monitor, otherwise, my eyeballs can completely dissolve with this TV set)
Just #stayathome and enjoy poker! Good to all!)
P.s. Yes, I remember I must to finish my story. Everything will be soon))

Nice wall, I use same method when work, maybe should try it for poker as well.
Good luck!
thanks, why u use it for work but dont use for poker?)