Marathon with deviles2006 50$ to 1000$ from micros with AgroBRM

Hi, everyone!

Yesterday I held a marathon. Pfff!

The Internet, of course, is just a f*cking mess. The last time I streamed from Thailand VPN.

It gives a speed of 9Mbps, this time even it was gone. Yesterday I led it from Indian VPN, and this is 5mbits ... but, hell, for a stream isn’t serious! Don’t know how it was even possible to do.

without VPN ***

While I switched to FullRings, it is easier to climb from them. As far as I remember playing at micro limits, you can annihilate the chips there with your narrow spectrum. And the rake load there will be less because there are less rake pots. And I advise you to play FullRings if they have good compositions in your room.

This is the results from yesterday's stream 90% nl5 and 10% nl10

Meanwhile I keep to rolls a marathon. Not a lot, but smoothly. The main thing is moving up. I think that the next stream will be on Wednesday or Thursday, only it will be short.

Have a great working week!

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I am a professional poker player, I am playing nl100-200+ on Chine apps
Comments (1)

the internet looks suck. When you are play it is stable on poker room?

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