Gambling addiction!

Hi, Guys!

I remembered the next situation today.

Imagine the following picture:

People stay around slot machines. They all hold the packages with coins of one denomination. They put a coin for coin into a slot machine. Coins ring and fall bottom of the slot machine. People win, grab new coins, and continue put coins into the slot machine. They don't count how much they win, they just grab new coins and put their back into the slot machine. Ding, ding, ding, ding...

It was a long time ago. I was a little kid. People were losing their pensions and salary. Slot machines were everywhere: in markets and at train stations...

It's good that slot machines are illegal outside of special gaming zones.

Many people didn't bring anything home...

Many people have a problem with responsible gaming.

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I play freerolls, save up start bankroll, want to play cash games, and dream to raise by the stakes.
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