Psychology in poker: How do we fight procrastination? Part 6.
Hi, Guys!
I wrote about methods of the fight with procrastination a few days ago. Actually, these methods are not about poker. But some of them can be applied in your game.
In the last two posts, I wrote about two methods:
2. The Antiprocrastination sheet
Let's look at the following method that you can use when dealing with procrastination.
You don't take risks for fear of failure. let's imagine that you are a beginner player, you play a lot and learn a lot but you fear to start to play in cash, for example, instead freerolls. You show good results in freerolls but are afraid to start playing cash. You think that you lose if start play for the money. But without it, you can't move on.
What is method can you help?
David Burns calls it The "Can't Lose" System
The "Can't Lose" System
This is how this problem is described:
You may feel hesitant to put your “can’ts” to the test because you don’t want to run the risk of failure. If you don’t run any risks, at least you can maintain the secret belief that you’re basically a terrific person who’s decided for the time being not to get involved. Behind your aloofness and lack of commitment lurks a powerful sense of inadequacy and the fear of failure.
David Burns suggests the following:
1. Make a list of the negative consequences you might have to deal with if you took a risk and actually did fail;
2. Then expose the distortions in your fears;
3. Show how you could cope productively even if you did experience a disappointment.
What does this look like in relation to poker?
1. Negative consequence: I lose my money;
2. Distortion: Hasty conclusion - I don't have to lose, I am a good player and learned a lot about poker.
3. If I play poorly I will try to find my mistakes and correct them next time. I will study.
If you describe possible failures and ways to solve them, you can easily start the task.