Learning theory through reading books...

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I'm going to take my training seriously and may soon make my first deposit.

I love books and am always looking for a book on a topic that interests me. Since I do not have a strong theoretical foundation, I decided to start my training with a detailed study of several books.

Here are three books that I plan to study over time. 

1. The Grinder's Manual by Peter Clarke

When I flipped through the book, I saw some topics that interested me. For example, building preflop ranges. I still don't have a clear idea of the range on preflop. There are also many basic concepts in the book that I don't know enough about.

2. Applications of No-Limit Hold'em by 

I read that the author used FlopZilla to write the book. He calculated everything in the book in this program. I want to study to use Flopzilla I think this book helps me.

3. Small Stakes No-Limit Hold'em

I started reading this book, but I didn't finish it. I decided to finish reading it after reading the first two.

And so I have a long way to go. All three books have a cash game bias.

What do you think about these books? Have you read them?

By the way, you can find the first two books on the Cardmates.

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I play freerolls, save up start bankroll, want to play cash games, and dream to raise by the stakes.
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never read any of them, so it's useful, thanks

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