Holdem Manager VS Hand2Note
Hello everybody!
Recently I watched the training, I will not say whose it is, and it is not very important, I learned from there that there is a full second program for collecting poker statistics.
Used HM before.
I knew about Hand2Note, but my hands did not reach to see what it was.
The training was even said that it is completely free. It was long time ago I think ...
So I decided to try the trial version.
If anyone has anything to say about comparing these two programs - tell me. I will share my observations)))
For now I can compare just two things.
- Maximum price
- Language
For second point I can say that Han2Note better for russian players. It's good point. But too small for buying.
About price... For Hand2Note jast 50 $ for everything what the program have... But... For only month! And you have to pay yearly!!! It's cheat!
For HM it's easily! You pay for year. But that have a lot of functions which you have to pay ceparately for...
It's cheat too!)))
Forgot to say.
From my new learning I decided to add couple new parametrs in my HUD:
- AF - agressive factor
- WTSD% - wait to showdown
- W%SD - win to showdown
Thank you for reading!

У меня вопрос не по теме, почему когда каждый раз я захожу на сайт, надо заходить в свой аккаунт по новой! Запарило уже..
I have no idea...
Для безопасности это сделано ;)
Too much I think)))