Intelligence or Artificial Intelligence = Who win?
All of us know that is an AI.
Artificial Intelligence.
We also heard that in poker rooms can be a lot of bots that are just playing and cumulate infos about all the players, defeating them later...
I'we spoked with one of my best poker friends and i decided to share with you few aspects of "how not being trapped in". Gambling provide dependency. That means, after we played poker few times (and was awesome), our brain construct this emotional feeling like "want that sensation of satisfaction" more and more.
BUT. STOP. Let's see what we should do.
Work. Family. Activities. Desk.
All of these influences our play.
As a family man, i want to give my own example. Awaking at 7AM, going to work untill 3-4PM probably its a good way to have a normal life and a happy family. We need to do sacrifices in our lives, right? Then staying with your family, helping with the best decisions, and take dinner together, probably it become a normal day.
After 8-9PM all of them have own hobbies: the kids are playing, the wife watching her favorite series movie and you can start your poker journey of the day.
Having in plan to play 4-6hours of your favourite version of poker and to success in this. It will be hard, sometimes you can't be at your desk. Sometimes you dont want to....sometimes you feel that this doesn't work.
Don't stop. Collect infos abour weak players. Be aware about good players!
Become a AI.
After lot of work you will see the results!
PS: Oh....and sometimes, when you feel a bot on your table, try to discuss something with him. Sometimes makes you feel better when they answering 😇.