Reasons for bet...
Hello everybody!
To bet or not to bet. This the question is!))
And let's talk today about reasons for bet.
You all know about three most popular things:
- Value
- Bluff
- Semibluff
It's of course true.
But couple things are more importarnt.
We have reasons like:
- Our interest
- Our life
- Our credits
- Our bills
- Our weakneses
And this things really more importent. Without them nothing is matter.
Today I woke up with 1 think. I want to start the marafon on 888. I always make some cents in this room and then I spend it pretty stupid. But I will try use money of this room for good tournes. Where i can play good enough.
And Sit and Go double or nothing is one of my favorite game in poker world.
But today I missed my luck.
Good luck to you, gyus!

Yes, there is no luck, the main thing is not to be sad;)
You right))