Session #8 = Who are still #stayingathome ?

Hey, after i won on 3rd place this event ( loosing on a big cooler ) i had in my mind "who are still staying at home after the Corona crysis?" and i google it a little bit. No big results. Are some restrictions that are still available, but not all of them!!! I can say that, here in Germany, only the mask is still "a must have" in all populated areas or buildings.

Anyway, as you saw on another post ( Session #5 )  i won this event one more time on 3rd place with bigger motivation to take it down!

I've tried some weard moves on my challenge that costs some money. I know that i am playing decent in omaha mtts and cash tables...but sometimes my fullhouses are not good anymore....these hands make me loosing my entire stack :( which make my bankroll smaller.

I still have a hope for my cash session, but i see that my progress is only when i am sitting in a nice mtt....

Bankroll : 39.59$

Don't loose your hope! Go on! This is the only one road to succes!

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Regular recreational player. Get rich or try bluffin'!
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