To stream or not to stream!?

Good day Cardmates,

Today I want to cover such topic as streaming poker in 2020. Three main questions, that I have on my mind now:

Is it worth it?

How much does it takes?

How much it returns?

1) I have been ocasionaly streaming on twitch my poker since 2019 and never had a goal of reaching a lot of viewers, I wanted to have 10-20 regular guests on my stream to talk about poker and may be meet in real life to chill. I did get a few intrernet friends from streaminig and we happen to chat sometimes. Poker is not a popular game at streaming sites, like Twitch, if your goal to make big audience, like Lex has it takes a lot of time, money, dedication and luck. Grinding low stakes will be almost impossible to make first 50-100 viewers, unless you entertain your viewers, which is kinda hard to do, when you grind. Yah, streaming and playing poker is very different, from just playing. If I wasn't in the highstakes challenge now, I'd never turn my stream on.

2) It takes some time and even if you want to do everything yourself, with out paying anyone, you will still need to buy stuff, like micro, webcam and the more quality you want from your stream, the more things you will need and spend more time finding info how to make things work the way you want it. Even if you don't want to spend a lot of time trying to figuire out all the OBS or other platforms settings to make your stream work and just pay for it, you will still have some issues time from time, because to have a quality stream is hard work and it has to be done. I have spent a lot of hours making everything work. 

3)If you starting your streaming career, I'd recommend to forget about income for the first year and just grind. Now days donations are more real in other games, than poker. Poker viewers rarely hit the donate button. Some poker rooms give streamers bigger rake back, some poker related sites offer promotions to streamers, you can find money, but how big it is? As a player you can make more money playing, than streaming I think.

Ps. Now youtube banns a lot of poker content and twitch can block your account for many reasons. I am not saying it's impossible, to create a poker streamer career now, I just want you to know max info before you start and share some of my experience and thoughts.

Best of luck,



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it is bad news about block poker streams (((

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