What does the distance mean in poker?
Hi, Guys!
I had a few days of a bad game. I thought about what distance means in poker and what makes a good player different from a bad one.
I think a good player understands a distance and uses it. A good poker player isn't about to win every hand that he gets. A good poker player is about to lose less and win more. We all will have bad periods and good periods in our game. We can't win every session in our poker life but we can minimize losses and maximize wins.
When a good player plays poorly or gets bad hands one after the other he should find a way not to lose a lot. At this point, distance comes into play. Sooner or later, the losing streak (down streak) will end and it will be time to recoup the losses. If you will lose all your bankroll when you are in a down streak you will not have money to return in the game when the up streak will come.
What is the main question that we need to understand?
What is the reason for our down streak: psychology or coincidence?
If you feel that your psychological state is the cause of your bad game, you should stop playing and solve all your problems outside of poker.
But what should you do if coincidence is a cause of your bad game? Actually I don't know what the best way in this situation.
If you can control yourself you can keep playing. Maybe your game will improve in the process.
You can go the other way. You can stop playing and resume the game the next day or the week. This way you will reduce your losses and not lose too much.