Holdem Manager 2: Software Review
As it is known, Texas Hold'em is a game with a lack of information. Opponents have cards on their hands and there are community cards. This information is not enough to make an optimal decision. Any clue will help to define the strength of the opponent's hand.
Programs of collecting and displaying statistics have changed fundamentally the essence of online poker. Now poker players have much more information on a player they had to play a lot of hands with. Also, these programs enable you to monitor your own game − watch results, analyze hands, find leaks.
Today we will talk about the most popular of these programs − Holdem Manager 2.
Note: in autumn of 2019, Hold'em Manager 2 was replaced with a newer version − Holdem Manager 3.
HM2 Description
Holdem Manager 2 is a professional tool for a poker player; it is a program that will give you 1000% more information about an opponent than you had before. With the help of this program, you will see the players right through. The capabilities of this unique software are unlimited and today we will talk about the most important ones.
Imagine a man with superpowers who remembers all played hands, all opponents’ actions, creates detailed statistics for every player. Holdem Manager 2 and other similar programs give you an opportunity to become such a cyber-poker player.

It is necessary to choose English language in the settings of a poker client for correct operation.
Not all poker rooms allow using such software. Some rooms are focused on a traditional game and prohibit the use of such programs. The beginning poker players should play in such poker rooms. But if you have still decided to use the possibilities of a digital era to the full, we suggest that you study Holdem Manager 2 program first. Let's figure out what companies allow us to use the poker software.
Poker Rooms that Support Holdem Manager 2
- Red Star Poker
- Poker Stars/Full Tilt
- Party Poker
- 888 Poker
- Red Kings
- Winamax.fr
- Micro Gaming Network
- iPoker Network
- Merge Network
- OnGame Network
- Betfair
- Player's Only
- Winning Poker Network
- NoiQ
- Boss Media
- Titan Poker
- Lucky Ace
- Cake Poker
If you play in one of the listed rooms without using the poker software, don’t be surprised why you cannot get positive results. Opponents, armed with the powerful software, will have an advantage over you. They will see your cards intuitively, using information about your previous hands.
What is HUD
HUD (heads-up display) is statistics of other players (stats) that are displayed directly on a screen during the game session.
The stats are formed during the game. The more hands you have played with the opponent, the more statistics on their actions you have and the more accurate it is. With the help of different indicators, you can predict the actions and a player’s hand more precisely and you can also squeeze as much value as possible from your hand.
How does HUD look like during the game?
The main stats of the opponents are displayed next to them (statistical indicators on many of parameters). When you point on them with a mouse, a pop-up, a window with more detailed stats, appears. Everyone can customize HUD for himself and select those stats that he considers to be necessary for displaying.
Basic Stats in HM2
In order to figure out the HUD figures, first you need to understand what one indicator or other displays. There are a lot of them. Let's look at the main ones:
- VPIP (voluntarily put money into the pot) – a percentage of game entries on the preflop (except for the game on positions of SB and BB).
This indicator will let us know whether loose or tight player is in front of us.
VPIP of good players doesn’t exceed 25%. The less VPIP is, the narrower a range of the player's hands is.
- PFR (preflop raise) – a percentage of a preflop raise. This indicator will help to understand what range of hands an opponent may have. The indicator of 7-13% is considered to be normal.
- AF (aggression factor) – a factor of aggression which is calculated by the following formula: (% bet +% raise) /% call (the amount of bet and raise percentages needs to be divided by a percentage of the call).
This information will help us to define the strategy of opponent’s game.
Passive players often apply slowplay with good hands but aggressors, on the other hand, bet on draw and on medium hands actively.
An average value of AF on the flop and turn is 2-3.5, on the river - 1.6-2.5.
Many professionals believe that a profitable game is an aggressive one. Good players are often aggressive. At the same time they constantly change a style of the game while adjusting to the opponents.
- WTSD (went to showdown) – a percentage of the player's hands that reach the showdown.
If the indicator is high, then the player doesn’t muck even the weakest pair. Conversely, if WTSD is too low, then the player mucks medium and weak hands.
The average WTSD is 27-38% (10-max), 35-38% (6-max).
VPIP, PFR, AF and WTSD are considered to be the main indicators which are necessarily taken into account during the game. There are many other stats besides them:
- ATS (Attempt to steal) – an indicator of how often a player steals blinds using a profitable position.
- 3B (3-bet) – a percentage of preflop 3-bet.
- СB, c-bet, cbet (Continuation Bet) – a percentage of how often a player makes a continuation bet. If you know the percentage of cbet, it will be easier for you to understand whether the player makes the continuation bet in order to take a pot without having a strong hand or whether he really has a powerful draw or a made combination. Obviously, if the value of player's CB is close to 100%, then he is either too lucky and always hits the flop, or he just bluffs and bet a barrel (that is more likely).
- Hands – a number of hands that has been analyzed for getting the statistics. The higher the indicator is the more perception we have about the manner of the poker player’s game. It is worth noting that the stats must be latest, so use data of the last two months maximum.
- FoldvCB – a percentage of fold versus continuation bet.
- Foldv3B – a percentage of fold versus 3-bet.
- FoldvTurnCB – a percentage of fold versus the continuation bet on the turn.
- W$@SD (Won $ at Showdown) - percentage of the winning showdowns (an average number of showdowns that player wins in %).
You can find a lot of other stats and terms in our poker terms dictionary.
Mining Definition
In order the statistics to be beneficial, it needs to be formed from a large number of hands. But what if you are a beginner? If it is the first time you have downloaded Hold'em Manager 2, then you simply will not have any statistics about any of the players. In this case mining, an import of database of hands, will help you.
It is recommended to download only latest mining, because the players develop, their game changes as well as style and strategy.
Officially, mining is prohibited in most poker-rooms.
For instance, PokerStars prohibits mining under threat of blocking the account.
However, it is practically impossible to identify the violator.
HM2 Functions
Holdem Manager 2 has a huge arsenal of tools for analyzing the results of your game.
With the help of filters you can sort the hands by any given parameter depending on positions, actions, etc.
A tab of “Opponents” contains information about all the players you have played with. You can reproduce any hand with the help of replayer (Hand Replayer). And you can see a graph of your game in the tab of "Reports".
The most popular functions of HM2:
Cash Graph Results - with the help of this function you will keep track of your results at a distance. When you click on a Cash Graph Results tab, you will see a chart with several lines of different colors.
Green line is your total profit (an average value of the blue and red lines).
Blue line is your profit with WTSD only.
Red line is the profit without WTSD.
Yellow line is the profit line with EV.
Equity – a poker calculator.
App Launcher – with the help of it you can download poker-room clients directly from the program.
My Cash Results – you can view profitability of the game depending on many factors.
Active Session – it is a tab where you can analyze your game sessions (both cash-games and tournaments).
How Much Does HM2 Cost?
You can download a full version for free and use it for 30 days, then you will need to buy a license.
The license of the full version of the program for playing Texas Hold'em will cost you 100$. Holdem Manager download for playing Hold'em and Omaha disciplines will cost you 160$. The manufacturer also offers a discount version for small bets for 60$.
Additional Modules
In addition to the main functions of the application, it is possible to connect additional modules:
- Leak Buster – it will help you to find the leaks (mistakes) in your game;
- Table Scanner 2 – it analyzes the tables for searching the "profitable" ones (bumhunting);
- SitNGo Wizard 2 – for making optimal decisions in MTT and SNG at the late stages;
- Note Caddy – it makes notes on the players automatically;
- Tilt Breaker – it closes a game session when you start to play poorly or go on tilt;
- Table Ninja 2 – it automates your actions during multi-tabling, simplifies the implementation of actions when playing at more than one table.
You have finished the introduction to the basic functions of Holdem Manager 2. In fact, there is still a lot to know about and learn to use this knowledge in practice before your game turns from hobby into a profitable business.
This program periodically releases a new version. In 2019, the second version was finally replaced by an improved third. Therefore, now players around the world use Holdem Manager 3.
To download this poker software, the player needs to go to the official website of Holdem Manager (you can use our link). A trial version will be available there to familiarize yourself with the functionality. Later, if desired, you can purchase the required format.